An Appreciated Industry – LOTR

While in Wellington, we learned that it is the film capital of New Zealand. They even have a sign very similar to our Hollywood sign. On our Lord of the Rings tour, our tour guides informed us that the people of Wellington are very thankful for the film industry. It provides tourism, jobs and a stable economy. However, at our lecture we learned that through film, the people of New Zealand utilized the industry to display foreign policies or advertise themselves. For example, we watched clips on the treatment of children and the health practices offered to them in school or a man describing welfare or other benefits provided. The lecture was very informative, however I enjoyed the Lord of the Rings a lot.

On the Lord of the Rings tour, we were taken to studios where various films were shot. It was incredible to learn that the movie Avatar was shot in concrete buildings. Also, I was fascinated by the fact that the studios are basically located in residential areas and the locals  do not interfere with productions. I feel like this is a big difference in America because people freak out about celebrities and fame. It was interesting to hear that it is a respected and generally calm environment during business.

Then we were taken to the Weta Cave. It was really cool to see different props from Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Tin Tin, and other films. After our brief stop there, we then got to go to locations where the films were shot and even recreate some scenes. One part that particularly interested me was when they showed us how they shot differences in heights because hobbits are to be very small. They had one of my classmates stand far away and another stand close to us and put his hand up. We took a picture and in it, it looked like she was standing in his hand.

Overall, I think that the film industry definitely is appreciated in Wellington. It was a great way to end the trip.

-Danin Greusel

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